Welcome!!! We are all learning together. If you have any questions or replays you would like to share, post them to your alliance's chat tab. Retry Battles are especially helpful as they give players the opportunity to try new troops and heroes that they may not have yet as well as the opportunity to battle without the loss of crowns.
What is the Supernova Alliance Pack?
A group of alliances working together sharing players, wonder resources, strategies and ideas. Alliances within the pack, referred to as sister alliances, and are organized by player level, language where applicable and gaming style.
The alliance levels are…
Recruiting : These alliances are easy for players to join and serve as an introductory alliance for players to learn the rules of the pack. Once a player has joined, they are given until they age up to age 6, or 14 days if they are age 6 or higher to send mounted troops as relief forces to players their age or lower. Mounted troops are Cavalry, Mamluks, Knights Templar or Raiders of Muscovy. Players who send mounted troops as relief forces will be invited to a Torch level alliance. If relief forces are not sent by age 6, or if already age 6 after 14 days of joining the alliance, then the player is kicked out of the alliance and invited to a Firestarter level alliance.
Torch - Age 4 and up players with a Watch Signal: While in Torch players will learn how to trade Relief Force Troops with other players, upgrade their Watch Signal to Level 3 and build a Stable (available in age 5). A Torch alliance will have at least one completed 1st level wonder.
Fireball – Age 5 and up players with a Watch Signal (Level 3) and a Stable: While in Fireball players will continue to consistently trade Relief Force Troops with other players as well as build an Embassy (available age 5). Embassies allow players to participate in completing Wonders with the assistance of other alliance members. At this alliance level, only Cavalry or other mounted troops are allowed to be sent as Relief Force Troops, no foot troops are allowed including Teutonic Knights. Players in a Fireball alliance who have not sent twenty five sets of relief troops within 100 days may be sent to a Firestarter alliance. A Fireball alliance will have two completed 1st level wonders.
Emperor School - Open to all ages: In Emperor School, players will be exposed to the various aspects and responsibilities of being an emperor. Emperor School also has an Xbox group for up and coming Emperors, "Age of Empires Emperor School".
Nova – Age 5 and up Players with an Embassy: While in Nova, players will continue supporting each other with high level mounted Relief Force Troops as well as continue to work on Wonders. At this level players will need to decide if they want to be in a play as you wish alliance with no crown requirements, or if they are more interested in winning high crowns leagues. Let your emperor know which playing style you prefer so that you can be invited to an alliance that matches your needs. A Nova level alliance will have all 1st level wonders completed.
Supernova – Founding Alliance, original members and invited guests: The goal of this alliance level is teamwork and supporting the other alliance levels.
Firestarter - Age 5 and up Players who do not send relief forces: This alliance is designed for players who do not want to bother with or be bothered by relief forces. If a player has been in an alliance more than 14 days without sending relief troops to fellow players, they will be invited to join a Firestarter alliance.
Firewalkers - Age 5 and up Players who send foot troops as relief forces: This alliance is for players who like foot troops as relief forces. In Firewalker, players of all ages may contribute foot troops to other players.
We strive to pair players with alliance members who have common goals for success in the game. If you have specific goals that you are trying to meet, post a chat to your emperor, who will assist you in finding an alliance at your current level that meets your goals or help you develop a plan to grow as a player if your goals require personal growth. If for any reason you want to transfer out of your current alliance, simply ask your emperor for an invite to another alliance at the same level.
Whether you play for crowns, resources, strategy, general relaxation or the fun of the game, we have an alliance for you.
Supernova Alliance Pack News
Awesome Defensive Wins
Awesome Attacks
Other Topics of Interest
Building percentage values
Definitions (Unofficial)
Empire icons
General Alliance Guidelines
Goals: Alliance
Goals: Player
Instructions for sending Relief Force Troops
Moving between Alliances
Required Reading for any AOE:Castle Siege Player
Sister Alliance List
Spies are Roaming your Empire
Strategies by Age
Understanding Crowns
Patch 1.23